Modern Eco-Friendly Gardening


Modern Eco-Friendly Gardening 

Many people are considering their impact on the planet and what they can do to offset climate change. Lots of individuals are making some great household switches such as biofuel, solar panels and more efficient energy usage but did you know what you put into the earth can also have a significant impact? 

Gardening is a wonderful way to de-stress and work with your hands, but the benefits don’t stop at yourself. Gardening can lower carbon dioxide emissions, protect animal habitats, and promote a better ecosystem in your local area. What’s the best way to get started? 


Below are some tips for modern eco-friendly gardening, 

Fill your garden with native plants:  

One of the greatest methods to attract wildlife to your garden is to use as many native plants as possible. Native wildflowers are easier to cultivate and manage than non-natives, and they are frequently more pest resistant. They are also great for attracting bees and butterflies in desperate need of support due to population declines across the country. Some good UK native summer plants to get started with include the Pasque Flower, Stinking Iris, Folden Shield Fern and Lily of the Valley. 

Make wildlife homes:  

By creating some man-made shelter, you can give nature a hand in getting settled into your space. There are many methods to make your garden more wildlife-friendly, from bird boxes to insect motels, hedgehog nests to beehives. These can often be bought from garden centres or made from scrap wood – but remember to check what the wood has been heat treated with to avoid poisoning wildlife.  

Reduce waste:  

It's easy to generate unneeded waste while gardening but finding more ecologically friendly options is just as straightforward. For example, you may save water by collecting rainwater with buckets or our plant watering system instead of using water from the faucet. 

Instead of collecting and throwing away fallen leaves, consider placing them in a quiet area to offer to any passing animal who may find it useful for their home. Alternatively, allowing them to decay creates an excellent natural fertiliser. 

Make your own compost:  

Rather than travelling and buying compost, often in plastic packaging, consider making your own.  To develop a natural manner of helping your garden flourish, you may utilise anything from leftover food to pulled-up weeds and grass cuttings. Keep a large compost bin outside or consider a small compost tin for your kitchen counter.  

Weeds soaked for a few weeks in a container provide a nutrient-rich solution that may be used to irrigate plants. 'Grasscycling,' which leaves grass cuttings on the lawn after mowing to act as a natural fertiliser, is another option.  

Add a water feature:  

A natural water feature may dramatically elevate your garden if you have a room. A pond offers a habitat for frogs and insects and water for birds and animals to drink and bathe. If you don't have enough space for a full-fledged pond, a bird bath or even a shallow dish of water on the ground can suffice. 


Gardens can be vibrant ecosystems for wildlife and can reduce your household carbon footprint. By adopting a more eco conscious mindset when gardening you can begin to create long term benefits for both yourself and the world around you. Living Windows is a fantastic place to get much-need gardening tools, Niwaki accessories, seasonal plants and advice. 

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